Categoria: Energy Policy

Laboratorio Metrologico Ternano

IEA report offers strategy for delivering a peak in energy emissions by 2020

A peak in global energy-related emissions could be achieved as early as 2020 and at no net economic cost, the International Energy Agency said on Monday in its new World Energy Outlook Special Report on Energy and Climate Change. A peak in global energy-related emissions could be achieved as early as 2020 and at no…
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15 Giugno 2015 0

Air pollution costs European economies US$ 1.6 trillion a year in diseases and deaths, new WHO study says

A staggering US$ 1.6 trillion is the economic cost of the approximate 600 000 premature deaths and of the diseases caused by air pollution in the WHO European Region in 2010, according to the first-ever study of these costs conducted for the Region. A staggering US$ 1.6 trillion is the economic cost of the approximate…
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28 Aprile 2015 0

EPIA calls for free and fair trade betwe en Europe and China

Speaking at the 9th SNEC International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition in Shanghai, EPIA President Oliver Schaefer outlined the new position of EPIA on the solar modules and cells trade case between China and the EU. Speaking at the 9th SNEC International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition in Shanghai, EPIA President Oliver Schaefer…
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27 Aprile 2015 0
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