Categoria: Energy Policy

Laboratorio Metrologico Ternano

New cars’ CO2 emissions well below Europe’s 2015 target

New cars sold in 2014 emit on average 2.6 % less CO2 than those sold in 2013 and almost 7 grammes of CO2/km below the 2015 target, according to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency. The average emissions level of a new car sold in 2014 was 123.4 grammes of carbon dioxide…
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16 Aprile 2015 0

New Models Yield Clearer Picture of Emissions' True Costs

When its environmental and human health toll is factored in, a gallon of gasoline costs us about $3.80 more than the pump price, a new Duke University study finds When its environmental and human health toll is factored in, a gallon of gasoline costs us about $3.80 more than the pump price, a new Duke…
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10 Marzo 2015 0

Estimated social cost of climate change not accurate, Stanford scientists say

The “social cost” of carbon dioxide emissions may not be $37 per ton, as estimated by a recent U.S. government study, but $220 per ton. The economic damage caused by a ton of carbon dioxide emissions – often referred to as the “social cost” of carbon – could actually be six times higher than the…
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15 Gennaio 2015 0
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