Categoria: EV

Laboratorio Metrologico Ternano

Autonomous Taxis Would Deliver Significant Environmental and Economic Benefits

Per-mile greenhouse gas emissions of an electric vehicle deployed as a self-driving, or autonomous, taxi in 2030 would be 63 to 82 percent lower than a projected 2030 hybrid vehicle driven as a privately owned car and 90 percent lower than a 2014 gasoline-powered private vehicle. Almost half of the savings is attributable to “right-sizing,”…
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23 Luglio 2015 0

Switching to vehicles powered by electricity from renewables could save lives

Driving vehicles that use electricity from renewable energy instead of gasoline could reduce the resulting deaths due to air pollution by 70 percent. This finding comes from a new life cycle analysis of conventional and alternative vehicles and their air pollution-related public health impacts Driving vehicles that use electricity from renewable energy instead of gasoline…
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18 Dicembre 2014 0
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