Categoria: scenarios

Laboratorio Metrologico Ternano

Signs of stress must not be ignored, IEA warns in its new World Energy Outlook

In the central scenario, the entire carbon budget allowed under a 2°C climate trajectory is consumed by 2040, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and ambitious agreement at the COP21 meeting in Paris in 2015. Events of the last year have increased many of the long-term uncertainties facing the global energy sector, says the International…
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13 Novembre 2014 0

Policy uncertainty threatens to slow renewable energy momentum

IEA forecast sees renewable power as a cost-competitive option in an increasing number of cases, but facing growing risks to deployment over the medium term The expansion of renewable energy will slow over the next five years unless policy uncertainty is diminished, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its third annual Medium-Term Renewable…
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28 Agosto 2014 0

European renewable energy investment set to surge by 2030 on back of nearly $1 trillion of investment

The next decade and a half will see renewable energy raise its share of European electricity generation capacity from 40% in 2012, to 60% in 2030, while the share of fossil-fuel sources such as coal and gas falls from 48% to 27%, according to a major report from research company Bloomberg New Energy Finance The…
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2 Luglio 2014 0
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